Sulzer is a world leader in fluid technology and chemical processing applications. They specialise in energy efficient pumping, mixing, separation, purification, crystallisation and polymerisation technologies for all types of liquids. What are the benefits of industrial 3D printing and working with 3D Formtech? Read more and we’ll tell you!

The starting point of the collaboration ✔️

At Sulzer, the pumps in actual use are made of steel and are too large for 3D printing with current technologies. Nevertheless, 3D printing has been used in business development and its potential has been identified. 

“We wanted to be able to easily demonstrate our real products to customers, rather than having to look at our solutions on a screen,” says Saku Vanhala, responsible for Sulzer’s product portfolio and its development. 

When it came to making miniature models of real pumps for demonstration purposes, 3D printing was an easy choice. “The miniature models were fitted with the right bearings, so we could show customers all the important functions and design,” Vanhala continues. 

We produced a printed miniature model of the pump, which is cut into sections and placed in an impact-resistant case, making it easy to ship or transport around the world.

Faster product development and easier sales ✔️

Although 3D printing is not currently directly related to the final components, it has brought Sulzer a number of benefits. One of them is faster and more agile product development

“From a product development perspective, 3D printing is a really handy tool for prototyping. If we did all the prototypes mechanically, multiple variations of each, and each took a week to deliver, research processes would be longer. Product development projects have been boosted by the fact that 3D printing now allows us to move things forward quickly,” says Ivan Baulin, Sulzer’s chief designer for product development.

sulzer pumps

Vanhala also highlights the benefits of 3D printing – not only the speed, but also the lightness and quality of the parts

“We have been able to send demonstration pumps around the world to sales teams and have received nothing but good feedback. It’s much easier to showcase our products when the miniatures are lightweight, conveniently sized and easy to handle and carry around. At the same time, the parts are sturdy and of good quality, and we have never had to worry about them getting broken. In addition, the availability of special materials and small parts is really good. Delivery has been fast and smaller parts have arrived within a few weeks.” 

Another point he highlights is the quality of the 3D printed parts and the possibilities for post-processing: “Overall, the surface quality is good for our needs! The parts were dyed and micro-coated, so they don’t show fingerprints, for example”. 

Chemical polishing was not yet included in this batch, but it will be for the next pumps!” adds Baulin.

Thanks to 3D Formtech for their expertise and good service ✔️

The cooperation with 3D Formtech is praised by both Baulin and Vanhala. “It’s been really easy to keep in touch. We received good and well-informed tips on what to do and we were able to communicate both ways about the need for changes. The configuration also worked well. We instructed what part to put in and we got pumps that looked just right! If we had any questions or if anything was unclear, they responded quickly,” says Baulin.

Vanhala also highlights the smooth cooperation. “We visited the site in Jyväskylä and together we figured out what to print and what sub-components could be combined. It was important for us to avoid having too many parts. Instead, it was important that the whole was easy to produce and that the pumps could display everything that was important to show. It was also a sign of good customer service that the transport boxes, ordered from different places, went directly to 3D Formtech, where they put the assembled miniatures into them. So we got the pumps neatly packed in briefcases straight here to Sulzer in Kotka!”

Both say they are happy to recommend 3D Formtech and also see the role of 3D printing growing in the future. “We can definitely recommend 3D Formtech. Good service and high quality products. Whatever your needs, 3D Formtech has metal and plastic for a wide range of needs. As for us, the cooperation will continue!”

sulzer 3d tulostus

We at 3D Formtech are also happy with the cooperation and it’s great to be creating a new normal together. The best results are often achieved by working together to conceptualise and optimise parts or assemblies of parts, using the full potential of 3D printing. 

When parts can be designed more freely, the possibilities are almost limitless. Certified materials, first-class post-processing techniques and extensive know-how build a strong foundation for high-quality end products. So make sure that the potential of 3D printing is recognised and exploited for your products too – we’ll be happy to help and support you in it.

The new normal for manufacturing is being created now. Contact us – let’s discuss what industrial 3D printing in plastic and metal could enable for you!